Thursday 22 September 2011

[Forex Course 1] What’s so great about all this “Forex” nonsense anyway?

Hi manoj,

If you are having trouble reading this installment in email, we've put a copy online for you to read in your browser. 

About This Course

Thanks for subscribing to this email crash course in currency investment. We appreciate your time, and understand how valuable it is, so each of the 10 parts is short and to the point, and is designed to be read and understood in just a few minutes. To give you time to read and digest each part, I’ll send the installments to you every couple of days.

There are some links at the bottom of each installment so that you can contact me directly if you have any questions. I always answer every query personally, and usually by the next business day, because I love to hear your suggestions and queries, so please don’t be shy about helping us to improve our service to you!

Lesson 1

The term forex (also known as “FX”) refers to the Foreign Currency Exchange Market that is facilitated by thousands International Banks, and within which thousands of small and large speculators participate. On a daily basis, this global market place exchanges in excess of USD13,200,000,000,000 (that’s more than three trillion!) across various currencies making it the most liquid market on Earth.

The forex market has greater volume than three times the combined size of the US Equity and US Treasury markets, and in stark contrast to other financial markets the forex market is truly global. That is, floating currencies exist in the forex market without a physical location or a central exchange. When you use a benchmark such as The New York Stock Exchange, with a daily trading volume of approximately USD30 billion a day, you can begin to appreciate the true magnitude of forex.

There are many advantages for a speculator who participates in the largest and most liquid market on Earth: While relatively new to the retail market, forex offers financial opportunities to entrepreneur and investor alike, with easy access to the means for earning a profit.

Forex is facilitated by an electronic network of banks, of large corporations, of institutional investing entities, and also of individuals – all exchanging one currency for another among themselves. Without the impediment of a centralised exchange, the forex market operates 24 hours per day, literally spanning from one time zone to the next across all the major financial centres of the globe. The global size and structure of the forex market also makes it less likely to be controlled or manipulated.

Well then, how is it that so few people have been exposed to sound information on this market? Prior to early 1997, the most significant reason was that trading of the forex market was simply not accessible to the public. Until then only banks, financial institutions, corporate entities, and high net worth individuals could participate. But now, all of that has changed! At first the astute investors and entrepreneurs entered the market with vigour, closely followed by the general public as they too caught on to the potential of trading the forex market for profit and cash flow.

By now, many forex brokers offer low minimum account balances, tiny increments of trade, and free online trading software: all of which have resulted in nearly anyone with an internet connection and a couple hundred dollars being capable of entering this market with instant access to considerable leverage2 “on tap”.

This has lead to a diverse range of options for participants, including managed services and self-trading opportunities. Also in the mix, are technical and fundamental trading rules, as well as a portfolio of trading robots and signal services.

All of this provides you with a readily accessible opportunity to participate in the largest and most liquid global market place, where you can exploit the privileges previously only enjoyed by large institutions.

Keep an eye on your email on the next few days for Lesson Two: “How to Avoid Obvious Online Forex Scams”.

We have a variety of forex opportunities at New Millennium, inc.

Please feel welcome to contact me through any of the channels above if you have questions. And if you are enjoying this series, we’re just getting started on Twitter, and would love for you to follow us there too.

Adam Liddiard Signature

Adam Liddiard


Here at New Millennium Inc, it is our sincere hope that the material we’re giving you in this e-course, on our website, in personal emails, and with the help of all the products we endorse or create, genuinely contribute towards improving your wealth and helping you to make the best decisions about investing and growing your money. On the other hand, any kind of investment is risky business, and if you make financial decisions based on our advice or products, and lose some or all of your money, it’s not our fault that luck or the markets were against you! Of course, we really don’t want that to happen, and will always act in good faith to offer the best products and advice the we possibly can. Just don’t blame us if you don’t back a winner every time, and please be sensible enough not to risk your next mortgage payment, or money you borrowed from a loan shark, okay?


It should be understood that currency trading involves high risk. There is always a relationship between high reward and high risk. Any type of trade speculation that can yield an unusually high return on investment is subject to unusually high risk. Only surplus funds should be placed at risk and anyone who does not have such funds should not participate in trading foreign currencies. Currency trading is not suitable for everyone. We assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions in any material provided. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these materials. We shall not be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, losses, lost revenues, or lost profits that may result from any material provided.

  1. USD, is the usual forex currency symbol for United States Dollars

  2. Leverage: The use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital, such as margin, to increase the potential return of an investment. 

Good bye, New Millennium, inc.

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