Sunday 17 July 2011

Will You Make These Gold Investing Mistakes in 2011?

Many investors flock to gold investing looking for a safe haven. Others are enticed by the idea of high leverage gold mining operations.
What they don’t know is only 5% of gold geologists ever discover a mine that goes to production. These “star geologists” are the number one factor in determining if a mining stock is going to explode...or...fizzle away. Believe it or not there is a simple way of knowing if a mining firm has this kind of talent.

The answer is in a free report called "Investing in Gold".

Look: gold is a political metal. Its possession and control means power. What this means to the gold investor is the price of gold is heavily determined (much like oil) on political events.
There are five major world events that may or may not take place this year which can swing the price of gold WAY UP...or...bring it crashing to the ground.

These five events are also in this report.

The report has a retail value of $49, and you can have it for free.
Why? We are a market research firm and it is our business to accumulate information on investors. We have access to some of the world's best stock brokers, investment advisors, traders and have used it to assemble this comprehensive guide on investing in gold.

Here's a preview of what you'll discover in your guide:
  • Why a lower price of gold may actually mean increased demand for the metal (page 1)
  • 4 scary situations when gold has historically ALWAYS leaped in value (no one can predict the future; once you know what these are you’ll agree at least one of them has a good chance of happening this year...even tomorrow) (page 3)
  • When you shouldn't buy gold...even when everyone is telling you too! (page 5)
  • How much gold should be in your portfolio in a bear market...and in a bull market (there is a big difference) (page 5)
  • Investment Giant Merrill Lynch’s win-win strategy for investing in gold (profit if the economy goes up...or down) (page 3)
  • What kind of news should always be viewed with an eye to liquidating precious metals positions (page 4)
  • What is gold’s relationship to inflation and why this factor is dangerously misunderstood (page 4)
  • A hidden indicator of the future value of gold (discovered by Professor Buiter one of the world's top economists). This is in plain view but most investors are blinded by a weird emotional attachment you’ll read about (page 4)
  • The shocking effects of the $700 billion bailout plan. The money is still racing through the economy and its inflationary effects have yet to appear. Find out when and what will happen here (page 4)
  • The mysterious potential buyer of 3,300 tons of gold! Each year an estimated 2,600 tons of gold is mined... a buy this big can send the price of gold skyrocketing...find out who the buyer might be, why they want to do it, and when (page 5)
  • What never to do when you invest in gold. Even reputable banks and investment firms can legally siphon off value of your investment if you don’t follow this simple tip (Knowing this will make “Gold” pyramid schemes and other frauds stand out like a sore thumb.) (page 10)
  • The mathematical relationship (discovered by an economic whiz) between the Dow Jones Industrial Average and gold (page 8)
  • The slight edge that can mean making $2 for every $1 rise in the price of gold or $10 for every $1 rise in the price in gold (page 11)
  • The rule of thumb most investment firms agree is the right amount of gold to have in a portfolio (page 5)
  • What gold mining firms you should never invest in if spectacular gains are your goals! (page 5)
  • What gold mining firms you should never invest in if safety is your concern (page 5)
  • The fascinating reason why only 5% of mining geologists ever find a gold mine that moves to production (Believe it or not, by knowing this one fact you have the best criteria for speculating on whether a company is going to strike it rich or burn up your investment) (page 11)
Why it’s free
It’s yours free if you'll grant just a moment of your time to answer a few questions. You can have the report right away...and someone may or may not call (depending on how many requests we get) and the report will be pulled off the market once our research is completed.
If someone does call rest assured they are friendly and knowledgeable so feel free to ask questions (their time is limited though).
If you’d rather not take a call, you can order the report for $49 by calling our office.
Remember: There are 11 major influences on the price of gold. Most of these are political. This year it’s a safe bet at least one of these events will spark a gold rush...or...a gold scare. The information in this report is timely...and will not be available forever. While this report is available, get it in your hands and prepare.

Getting your free report is simple.
Please follow this blog and fill out the form that appears. Your report will be instantly emailed to you. Your email address will be used once to send your report. You won’t receive any annoying messages from us.


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